Valerie Alezra
Experience Professionnelle
Depuis Sept. 2020 : Maître de conférences en chimie organique à l’université Paris-Saclay - Faculté des Sciences d'Orsay.
Recherches en synthèse organique dans l’équipe du Pr. Cyrille Kouklovsky (ICMMO, UMR 8182).
Janvier-Août 2020 : Chef d'équipe R&D chez Nexdot, Romainville.
Sept 2018-Décembre 2019 : Chercheur chez Ynsect, Evry.
Sept. 2003-Août 2018 : Maître de conférences en chimie organique à l’université Paris Sud, Orsay.
Recherches en synthèse organique dans l’équipe du Pr. Cyrille Kouklovsky (ICMMO, UMR 8182).
Novembre 2014-Février 2015 : "Visiting Associate Professor" à l'Université de Kyoto, Japon, laboratoire du Pr. T. Kawabata.
Habilitation à diriger des Recherches soutenue le 26 novembre 2009.
Sept. 2001 - Août 2003 Maître de conférences en chimie organique à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon ; recherches en chimie bio-organique dans l’équipe du Pr. J. Hasserodt (laboratoire de Stéréochimie et des Interactions Moléculaires – UMR 5532).
Oct. 2000 - Sept. 2001 Post-doct dans le laboratoire du Pr. E. P. Kündig, université de Genève : "Synthèse de nouveaux acides de Lewis chiraux et applications en catalyse asymétrique".
Oct. 1997 - Sept. 2000 Thèse en Chimie Organique sous la direction du Pr. H.-P. Husson (laboratoire de Chimie Thérapeutique, UMR 8638, Faculté de Pharmacie, Paris V).
"Nouvelles voies d’accès à des sérines α-substituées énantiopures à partir d'aziridino-esters ou d'oxazolidino-esters".
Publications récentes
Rapid Formation of Intramolecular Disulfide Bridges using Light: An Efficient Method to Control the Conformation and Function of Bioactive Peptides. F. He, Y. Chai, Z. Zeng, F. Lu, H. Chen, J. Zhu, Y. Fang, K. Cheng, E. Miclet, V. Alezra, Y. Wan, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2023, 145, 22639-22648
Diversity in the Synthesis of Functionalized Cyclohexene Oxide Derivatives by a Cycloaddition–Fragmentation Sequence from Benzene Oxide. F. Rambaud, R. Guillot, V. Alezra, C. Kouklovsky, J. Org. Chem., 2023, 88, 7152-7161
Using the Noncanonical Metallo-Amino Acid [Cu(II)(2,2′-Bipyridin-5-yl)]-alanine to Study the Structures of Proteins. L. C. Tabares, D. T. Daniel, J. L. Vasquez-Ibar, C. Kouklovsky, V. Alezra, S. Un, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2023, 14, 3368-3375
Customized Reversible Stapling for Selective Delivery of Bioactive Peptides. Z. Zeng, J. Zhu, X. Deng, H. Chen, Y. Jin, E. Miclet, V. Alezra, Y. Wan, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 144, 23614-23621
Polymyxin B-inspired non-hemolytic tyrocidine A analogues with significantly enhanced activity against gram-negative bacteria: How cationicity impacts cell specificity and antibacterial mechanism. J. Zhu, C. Hu, Z. Zeng, X. Deng, L. Zeng, S. Xie, Y. Fang, Y. Jin, V. Alezra, Y. Wan, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2021, 221, 113488
Highly stereoselective aldol reactions by Memory of Chirality: synthesis of quaternary β-hydroxy α-amino acids. L. Roupnel, R. Guillot, D. Gori, B. Viswambharan, C. Kouklovsky, V. Alezra, Helv. Chim. Act., 2021, 104, e2100127
Gramicidin-S-Inspired Cyclopeptidomimetics as Potent Membrane-Active Bactericidal Agents with Therapeutic Potential. C. Hu, Q. Wen, S. Huang, S. Xie, Y. Fang, Y. Jin, R. Campagne, V. Alezra, E. Miclet, J. Zhu, Y. Wan, ChemMedChem, 2021, 16, 368-376
Development of Therapeutic Gramicidin S Analogues Bearing Plastic β,γ-Diamino Acids. Q. Guan, K. Chen, Q. Chen, J. Hu, K. Cheng, C. Hu, J. Zhu, Y. Jin, E. Miclet, V. Alezra, Y. Wan, ChemMedChem, 2020, 15, 1089-1100
Unexpected dimerization of a tripeptide comprising a β,γ-diamino acid. Y. Wan, J.-P. Baltaze, C. Kouklovsky, E. Miclet, V. Alezra, Journal of Peptide Science, 2019, 25, e3143
Recent Advances in the Exploration of Therapeutic Analogues of Gramicidin S, an Old but Still Potent Antimicrobial Peptide. Q. Guan, S. Huang, Y. Jin, R. Campagne, V. Alezra, Y. Wan, J. Med. Chem., 2019, 62, 7603-7617
Memory of Chirality in a Flow-Based System: Enantioselective Synthesis of Quaternary α-Amino Acids Using Flow Microreactors. A. Mambrini, D. Gori, C. Kouklovsky, H. Kim, J.-I. Yoshida, V. Alezra, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 6754-6757
Oxidative coupling of enolates using memory of chirality: an original enantioselective synthesis of quaternary α-amino acid derivatives. A. Mambrini, D. Gori, R. Guillot, C. Kouklovsky, V. Alezra, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 12742-12745
Constrained Cyclic β,γ-Diamino Acids from Glutamic Acid: Synthesis of Both Diastereomers and Unexpected Kinetic Resolution. Y. Wan, N. Auberger, S. Thétiot-Laurent, F. Bouillère, A. Zulauf, J. He, S. Courtiol-Legourd, R. Guillot, C. Kouklovsky, S. Cote Des Combes, C. Pacaud, I. Devillers, V. Alezra, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 329-340
Base mediated fragmentation of bicyclic dihydro-3,6-oxazines: transformation of nitroso Diels-Alder cycloadducts. R. Campagne, F. Schäkel, R. Guillot, V. Alezra, C. Kouklovsky, Org. Lett., 2018, 20, 1884-1887
β,γ-Diamino acids as building blocks for new analogues of Gramicidin S: synthesis and biological activity. Y. Wan, A. Stanovych, D. Gori, S. Zirah, C. Kouklovsky, V. Alezra, Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2018, 149, 122-128.
Interfering peptides targeting protein–protein interactions: the next generation of drugs? H. Bruzzoni-Giovanelli, V. Alezra, N. Wolff, C.-Z. Dong, P. Tuffery, A. Rebollo, Drug Discovery Today, 2018, 23, 272-285
Frozen Chirality of Tertiary Aromatic Amides :Access to Enantioenriched Tertiary alpha-Amino Acid or Amino Alcohol without Chiral Reagent. T. T. Mai, B. Viswambharan, D. Gori, R. Guillot, J.-V. Naubron, C. Kouklovsky, V. Alezra, Chem. Eur. J., 2017, 23, 5787-5798
Recent Progress in Memory Of Chirality (MOC): An Advanced Chiral Pool. V. Alezra, T. Kawabata, Synthesis, 2016, 48, 2997-3016
Efficient synthesis of both diastereomers of β,γ-diamino acids from phenylalanine and tryptophan. N. Auberger, A. Stanovych, S. Thétiot-Laurent, R. Guillot, C. Kouklovsky, S. Cote Des Combes, C. Pacaud, I. Devillers, V. Alezra, Amino Acids, 2016, 48(9), 2237-2242
Substrate Control in Enantioselective and Diastereoselective Aldol Reaction by Memory of Chirality: A Rapid Access to Enantiopure β-Hydroxy Quaternary α-Amino Acids. B. Viswambharan, D. Gori, R. Guillot, C. Kouklovsky, V. Alezra, Org. Lett., 2014, 16, 788-791
β,γ-Diamino acid: an original building block for hybrid α/γ-peptide synthesis with extra hydrogen bond donating group. A. Stanovych, R. Guillot, C. Kouklovsky, E. Miclet, V. Alezra, Amino Acids, 2014, 46, 2753-2757