Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay



Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)

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PRC 2021 "TetraIndole" (Coordinator) with Dr. Laurent Evanno  and Prof. Erwan Poupon (Univ Paris-Saclay, Faculty of Pharmacy)

PRC 2020 "ELMER" (Partner) with Dr. Maxime Vitale (Coordinator) and Dr. Laurence Grimaud (Ecole Normale Supérieure - PSL)

PRC 2017 "ArDCo" (Partner) with Prof. Isabelle Chataigner (Coordinator, Univ Rouen) and Dr. Xavier Moreau (Univ Versailles)

PRC 2015 "Mt Indole" (Coordinator) with Prof. Erwan Poupon and Dr. Laurent Evanno (Univ Paris Sud, Faculty of Phamacy)

JCJC 2012 "CouPhIn" (Coordinator)



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PhD fellowship 2015 (Partner) with Dr. Xavier Moreau (coordinator and thesis director, Univ Versailles) and Prof. Isabelle Chataigner (Univ Rouen)

Postdoctoral fellowship 2019 (Coordinator, 1 year) with X. Guinchard (ICSN)

Postdoctoral fellowship 2021 (Partner, 1 year) with E. Romero (coordinator, CEA Saclay)


Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (MESR)

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PhD fellowships 2009 (co-supervisor), 2011 (thesis director), 2016 (thesis director), 2019 (thesis director) and 2021 (thesis director)


Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC)

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PhD fellowships 2016 (thesis director), 2017 (thesis director), 2019 (thesis director) and 2020 (thesis director)


Marie Curie Actions of the European Union

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IIF 2013 Postdoctoral fellowship "ElectroIndole" (Coordinator, 2 years)


Fondation pour le développement de la chimie des substances naturelles et de ses applications, sous l'égide de l'Académie des Sciences

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