Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay



We are a team interested in Organic Synthesis, located on the Campus of Paris-Saclay University in Orsay.





Latest News


Oct 2024: Congratulations to Bocheng, who successfully defended his PhD !


Oct 2024: The group welcomes two new PhD student, Céline and Khoi.


Aug 2024: We say farewell to Lucas, who will start as an Assistant Professor at Paris Cité University. All the best !


Jul 2024: Aurélien gave a talk at the EuChemS 2024 Young Investigator Workshop in Dublin, on the occasion of his reception of the 2024 Young Investigator Award.


May 2024: Marie Carlier from ENS Saclay joins us for her B. Sc. internship. Welcome !


March 2024: Congratulations to Bocheng, Lucas and Raphaël ! Their work has just been published in Org. Lett. A fruitful collaboration with Sébastien Prévost !


February 2024: The group welcomes Ke Yao, our new master student.


December 2023: Nicolas successfully defended is PhD. Thank you for the last 3 years, and good luck for the next adventures !


October 2023: We are pleased to introduce our new student: welcome Camil Benbouziyane !


August 2023: Our total synthesis of lucidumone was highlighted in Org. Chem. Highlights, along with our colleague Guillaume Vincent's work. Thank you Doug Taber !


July 2023: We say farewell to Lucie Malet and Amaury Laporte who finished their internship.


May 2023: A new student joins the group: welcome Amaury Laporte !


April 2023: Good news: our team was awarded an Emergence grant from Paris-Saclay's chemistry graduate school to start a new collaboration with CEA Saclay.


January 2023: Lucie Malet joins the group for her M. Sc. thesis. Welcome !


December 2022: Three years and one total synthesis later, Guanghao successfully defended his PhD. Congratulations !


December 2022: A new post-doc joins us: welcome Lucas Pagès !


November 2022: Our total synthesis of lucidumone was highlighted in ChemistryViews and Synfacts.


September 2022: Our latest total synthesis was just accepted for publication in JACS ! Read more about the first enantioselective total synthesis of Lucidumone.


August 2022: We're now on Tweeter. Follow us @AuredelaTorre !


August 2022: Congratulations to Guanghao, his paper was just accepted for publication in Angewandte !


May 2022: Great news for the group: we received a new grant from Labex CHARM3AT to fund a research project on dual catalysis.


November 2021: Congratulations to Nicolas, who received a poster prize at the last Doctoral students day !


July 2021: Raphaël Dollet obtained his M. Sc. degree (ranked 1st). Congrats ! He will now start a PhD in COBRA lab in Rouen.


February 2021: Raphaël Dollet obtained a Labex CHARM3AT grant for his M. Sc. thesis. Congrats !


February 2021: A new post-doc joins the group: welcome Rémi Blieck !


January 2021: Bocheng Chen joins the group for his PhD, and Raphaël Dollet is back for his M. Sc. thesis. Welcome and welcome back !


October 2020: Guanghao's review was just accepted for publication in Chemistry - A European Journal. Congratulations !


October 2020: Nicolas Fay joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome !








Learn more about our latest work !



We are always looking for talented and motivated students. You want to join the team? contact us !