Mardi 11 juin à 11h, Amphi H. Daniel, Bât. 670 HM2
Dr. Alessandra QUADRELLI, IRCE Lyon
"Sustainable Chemistry at the Energy -Chemistry Nexus? The Situated Chemistries Proposal"
Dr. Alessandra QUADRELLI, IRCE Lyon
"Sustainable Chemistry at the Energy -Chemistry Nexus? The Situated Chemistries Proposal"
Sophie GADAN, Equipe ECI - Responsables : Pei YU & Anne LEAUSTIC
"Nouveaux photochromes de la famille des (ter/tétra)arylènes intrinsèquement chiraux et redox actifs"
Dr. Bonamali PAL, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (Inde)
"Photocatalysis for improved H2 production, organic compound reduction and toxic pollutant degradation under visible/solar light irradiation"
Dr. Daniela VERGA, Institut Curie, Orsay (
"Molecular Probes to track and trap G-quadruplex secondary structures"