Mardi 25 juin à 11h, Amphi H. Daniel, Bât. 670 HM2
Prof. F. Matthias BICKELHAUPT, Université d'Amsterdam.
"Paradigm Shifts in Chemical Theory"
Prof. F. Matthias BICKELHAUPT, Université d'Amsterdam.
"Paradigm Shifts in Chemical Theory"
Dr. Alessandra QUADRELLI, IRCE Lyon
"Sustainable Chemistry at the Energy -Chemistry Nexus? The Situated Chemistries Proposal"
Sophie GADAN, Equipe ECI - Responsables : Pei YU & Anne LEAUSTIC
"Nouveaux photochromes de la famille des (ter/tétra)arylènes intrinsèquement chiraux et redox actifs"
Dr. Bonamali PAL, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (Inde)
"Photocatalysis for improved H2 production, organic compound reduction and toxic pollutant degradation under visible/solar light irradiation"
Dr. Daniela VERGA, Institut Curie, Orsay (
"Molecular Probes to track and trap G-quadruplex secondary structures"