Mardi 25 février 2025 à 11h - Amphi H. Daniel, Bât. 670 HM2
Dr. Rafael GRAMAGE-DORIA, Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes
"Homogeneous Metal Catalysis: From Sustainable Transformations to Supramolecular Approaches"
Dr. Rafael GRAMAGE-DORIA, Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes
"Homogeneous Metal Catalysis: From Sustainable Transformations to Supramolecular Approaches"
Pr. Nathalie JARROUX, Université d’Evry val d’Essonne (
"Supramolecular Chemistry Applied to Organic Materials: Evidence of New Properties in Health, Electronics, and Battery Innovations"
Gabriel CORMIER, Equipe CP3A
Responsable : Thomas Boddaert
"Réaction Domino Photochimique pour la Synthèse d’Hétérocycles Soufrés"
Dr. Susannah COOTE, University of Bath (
"Making Difficult-to-Make Molecules: Photochemistry as an Enabling Tool"
Dr. Stellios ARSENIYADIS, Queen Mary University of London (
"Developing enabling technologies for a more sustainable chemistry"