Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay

X photoelectron spectroscopy

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Build.: 670 HM1 recherche

Tel.: 01 69 15 31 96

office room 0014

equipment room 0219

What you get

XPS spectroscopy provides qualitative and quantitative informations on the chemical composition of surfaces and on the nature of chemical bonds. All elements, except hydrogen and helium, are detectable. It is a non-destructive analysis technique, implemented under ultra-vacuum and which probes the first nanometers of the samples.

Who it works

The interaction of a photon X of energy hν with an atom or a molecule leads to the ionization of this atom or molecule and the emission, from an EL energy level, of a photoelectron of kinetic energy Ec. The principle of X-ray induced photoelectron spectroscopy (or photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS) is based on the measurement of the energy distribution of the emitted electrons.
The relation
: EL = hν - Ec - Φspec , où Φspec represents the output work of the spectrometerspec = Ev - EF) and makes it possible to determine the binding energies of the emitted electrons and therefore to identify the atoms from which they come.


The equipment available at ICMMO allows analysis of all types of solid samples (maximum sample size 60 x 60 x 20 mm) or powders .

How to use it

The device is not self-service. External services are possible.


  • ion gun which allows to measure depth profiles
  • load compensation system which analyzes insulating samples
  • tilt module which allows analyzes in angular resolution