Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay

Thin layer XRD



Serge Miska

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Build.: 670 HM1 recherche

Office room: 0013

Tel.: 01 69 15 xx xx

Equipment room: 0229


What you get

The grazing incidence X-ray diffractometer will allow phase, crystal texture and internal stress analyzes to be performed on crystallized samples.
Structural characterization of massive samples or thin films at room temperature or temperature according to different modes of analysis:

  • θ/2θ or grazing incidence configurations: phase analysis, crystal structure
  • 4-circle configuration: crystal texture in layers with micron thickness  
  • 4-circles configuration with variable incidence: determination of residual stresses (sin2φ method), analysis of diffraction line profiles (micro-deformation), determination of orientation of single crystals and internal stresses of single crystals

Who it works

X-ray diffractometry is an analysis technique based on the elastic interaction between the incident photons and the atoms that are located in the crystal lattices. The general method is to diffract the sample with an incident beam of monochromatic photons, and to analyze the position, intensity and widening of the diffraction peaks according to the orientation in space.  


Thin layers and polycrystalline (solid or powdered) or monocrystalline crystallized materials.

How to use it

The X-ray diffractometer can be self-service subject to authorization. However, it requires a prior reservation after training. If you have a reservation account for using the device, click here. Otherwise, contact the person responsible for the device.