Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay



250 MHz: Bruker DPX 250 - Topspin 1.3

300 MHz: Bruker Avance I - Topspin 2.1

360 MHz: Bruker Avance I - Topspin 2.1

       250 MHz               300 MHz                360 MHz

This service has 3 self-service spectrometers: 250 MHz, 300 MHz, and 360 MHz (see technical description of the spectrometers). Fixed slots are divided between 7 research teams of the Institute according to their need.

250 MHz

This spectrometer results from the replacement, in October 2004, of an AC250 console in DPX 250. It is equipped with a QNP probe (1H, 19F, 31P, 13C), the change of core is done by pneumatic switch. It also has a BACS-60 sample changer which dates from 1992 (see additional document).

300 MHz

Acquired in December 2006, it is equipped with a BBO probe. It has a 16-tube SampleJet autosampler (see additional document).

360 MHz

Equipped with the very first Avance console from the Institute, acquired in January 2005. This spectrometer has a console occupying a minimum of space. It has a 16-tube SampleJet autosampler (see additional document) and several probes: DUAL, BBO, Fluor.