Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay

Christian Herrero

Ingénieur de Recherche
Bât. 670, bureau 0007 – SC – ICMMO - UMR 8182
Université Paris-Saclay
Bâtiment 670
17-19 Avenue des Sciences
91400 Orsay

+33 1 69 15 47 57


Christian Herrero a obtenu un diplome en chimie à la Florida International University (Miami, États-Unis). Après son diplome, il a obtenu un Master's en chimie dans le même établissement sous la supervision du Prof. John Landrum sur l’étude des métabolites d’oxydation de la lutéine et de la zéaxanthine. Il a commencé ses études de doctorat à l'Université d'État de l'Arizona (Tempe, Az, États-Unis) dans le groupe des professeurs Ana Moore, Thomas Moore et Devens Gust sur la synthèse d'antennes photosynthétiques artificielles. Il a terminé son doctorat à Universiité Paris-Sud sous la supervision du Prof. Ally Aukauloo travaillant sur la synthèse de mimiques de centres de réaction artificiels.

Pour son travail postdoctoral, Dr. Herrero est passé au CEA-Saclay, où il a travaillé au Département des Sciences du Vivant sous la supervision du Prof. Ally Aukauloo, du Dr Winfried Leibl et du Prof Bill Rutherford. Ses travaux se sont concentrés sur les différents domaines de la photosynthèse artificielle tels que les réactions de transfert d'énergie et d'électrons induits par la lumière, et l'oxydation / réduction de différents substrats. Il a effectué un deuxième post-doctorat à Universiité Paris-Sud sous la supervision du Prof. Banse où il a travaillé sur l'activation par la lumière visible de catalyseurs à base de fer.

Depuis décembre 2015, Dr. Herrero est ingénieur de recherche CNRS à l'Universiité Paris-Sud en charge de l'installation RPE (Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique) où ses principaux intérêts sont le couplage de différentes techniques telles que l'activation par la lumière et l'électrochimie à l'EPR pour générer et étudier des intermédiaires réactifs présents dans les processus redox.


Dr. Christian Herrero CV


BSc Chemistry, Florida International University, USA, 1997
MSc Chemistry, Florida International University, USA, 2001
PhD Chemistry,  Paris Sud, France, 2007

Post-Doc, CEA Sclay, France. 2008-2013

Post-Doc, Universiité Paris Sud, France. 2013-2015

Liens utiles

EPR Lab at Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay

Profil de Dr Herrero au Google Scholar

Profil de Dr Herrero au ORCID ID



Les travaux de recherche du Dr Herrero portent sur le couplage de différentes techniques (lumière, électrochimie) à la RPE afin de générer et d'étudier les radicaux, les états triplets et les complexes de métaux de transition présents dans les systèmes biologiques et modèles.

Le laboratoire RPE est ouverte aux chercheurs de disciplines variées couvrant la biophysique, la biochimie, la catalyse, la science des matériaux et la chimie inorganique.



Significant effect of 2nd sphere interactions on the reductive activation of O2 by non-heme iron(II) complexes. Application to the electroassisted oxidation of thioanisole. A. L. Robinson, E. Bannermann, R. Guillot, C. Herrero, K. Sénéchal-David, E. Rivière, F. Banse, J.-N. Rebilly, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2024, n/a, e202300694

Beneficial Effect of Acetic Acid on the Formation of FeIII(OOH) Species and on the Catalytic Activity of Bioinspired Nonheme FeII Complexes. R. Bercy, J.-N. Rebilly, C. Herrero, R. Guillot, H. Maisonneuve, F. Banse, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2023, 26, e202300236

An anthraquinone-based oxime ester as a visible-light photoinitiator for 3D photoprinting applications. C. Elian, N. Sanosa, N. Bogliotti, C. Herrero, D. Sampedro, D.-L. Versace, Polym. Chem., 2023, 14, 3262-3269

Catalytic oxidation properties of an acid-resistant cross-bridged cyclen Fe(ii) complex. Influence of the rigid donor backbone and protonation on the reactivity. J.-N. Rebilly, C. Herrero, K. Sénéchal-David, R. Guillot, F. Banse, Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 9017-9025

Mechanistic Facets of the Competition between Cross-Coupling and Homocoupling in Supporting Ligand-Free Iron-Mediated Aryl–Aryl Bond Formations. E. Zhou, P. Chourreu, N. Lefèvre, M. Ahr, L. Rousseau, C. Herrero, E. Gayon, G. Cahiez, G. Lefèvre, ACS Org. Inorg. Au, 2022, 2, 359-369

Space-selective creation of photonics functions in a new organic material: Femtosecond laser direct writing in Zeonex glass of refractive index change and photoluminescence. R. Que, L. Houel-Renault, M. Temagoult, C. Herrero, M. Lancry, B. Poumellec, Optical Materials, 2022, 133, 112651

Heterolytic O− O bond cleavage upon single electron transfer to a nonheme Fe (III)− OOH complex. A. Bohn, K. Sénéchal‐david, J.-N. Rebilly, C. Herrero, W. Leibl, E. Anxolabéhère‐mallart, F. Banse, Chemistry–A European Journal, 2022, 28, e202201600

A tale of two complexes: electro-assisted oxidation of thioanisole by a “O2 activator / oxidizing species” tandem system of non-heme iron complexes. A. L. Robinson, J.-N. Rebilly, R. Guillot, C. Herrero, H. Maisonneuve, F. Banse, Chemistry – A European Journal, 2022, 28, e202200217

Proton-controlled Action of an Imidazole as Electron Relay in a Photoredox Triad. P. Gotico, C. Herrero, S. Protti, A. Quaranta, S. Sheth, R. Fallahpour, R. Farran, Z. Halime, M. Sircoglou, A. Aukauloo, W. Leibl, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2022, 21, 247-259

Second-sphere effects on H2O2 activation by non-heme FeII complexes: role of a phenol group in the [H2O2]-dependent accumulation of FeIVO vs. FeIIIOOH. J.-N. Rebilly, C. Herrero, K. Sénéchal-David, R. Guillot, T. Inceoglu, H. Maisonneuve, F. Banse, Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 15691-15699

Intercepting a transient non-hemic pyridine N-oxide Fe(iii) species involved in OAT reactions. N. T. Vo, C. Herrero, R. Guillot, T. Inceoglu, W. Leibl, M. Clémancey, P. Dubourdeaux, G. Blondin, A. Aukauloo, M. Sircoglou, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 12836-12839

Imbroglio at a photoredox-iron-porphyrin catalyst dyad for the photocatalytic CO2 reduction. A. Trapali, P. Gotico, C. Herrero, M.-H. Ha-Thi, T. Pino, W. Leibl, G. Charalambidis, C. Athanassios, Z. Halime, A. Aukauloo, Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2021, 1-14

Tracking light-induced electron transfer toward O2 in a hybrid photoredox-laccase system. R. Farran, Y. Mekmouche, N. T. Vo, C. Herrero, A. Quaranta, M. Sircoglou, F. Banse, P. Rousselot-Pailley, A. J. Simaan, A. Aukauloo, T. Tron, W. Leibl, iScience, 2021, 24, 102378

Evolution of Ate‐Organoiron(II) Species towards Lower Oxidation States: Role of the Steric and Electronic Factors. L. Rousseau, C. Herrero, M. Clémancey, A. Imberdis, G. Blondin, G. Lefèvre, Chemistry A European Journal, 2020, 26 (11), 2417-2428

Biosynthesis of the sactipeptide Ruminococcin C by the human microbiome: Mechanistic insights into thioether bond formation by radical SAM enzymes. C. Balty, A. Guillot, L. Fradale, C. Brewee, B. Lefranc, C. Herrero, C. Sandström, J. Leprince, O. Berteau, A. Benjdia, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2020, 295, 16665–16677

Photoswitchable 11 nm CsCoFe Prussian Blue Analogue Nanocrystals with High Relaxation Temperature. L. Trinh, S. Zerdane, S. Mazérat, N. Dia, D. Dragoe, C. Herrero, E. Rivière, L. Catala, M. Cammarata, E. Collet, T. Mallah, Inorg. Chem., 2020, 59, 13153-13161

FeIII and FeII Phosphasalen Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic Application for 2-Naphtol Oxidative Coupling. E. Oheix, C. Herrero, J. Moutet, J.-N. Rebilly, M. Cordier, R. Guillot, S. Bourcier, F. Banse, K. Sénéchal-David, A. Auffrant, Chemistry – A European Journal, 2020, 26, 13634-13643

Characterization in Aqueous Medium of an FMN Semiquinone Radical Stabilized by the Enzyme-Like Microenvironment of a Modified Polyethyleneimine. Y. Chevalier, Y. L. T. Ki, C. Herrero, D. L. Nouen, J.-P. Mahy, J.-P. Goddard, F. Avenier, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2020, 18, 4386-4389

Coupling Nanostructured CsNiCr Prussian Blue Analogue to Resonant Microwave Fields. A. Ghirri, C. Herrero, S. Mazérat, T. Mallah, O. Moze, M. Affronte, Advanced Quantum Technologies, 2020, 3, 1900101

Hydroxylation of Aromatics by H2O2 Catalyzed by Mononuclear Non-heme Iron Complexes: Role of Triazole Hemilability in Substrate-Induced Bifurcation of the H2O2 Activation Mechanism. J.-N. Rebilly, W. Zhang, C. Herrero, H. Dridi, K. Sénéchal-David, R. Guillot, F. Banse, Chemistry – A European Journal, 2020, 26, 659-668

Base-controlled mechanistic divergence between iron(iv)-oxo and iron(iii)-hydroperoxo in the H2O2 activation by a nonheme iron(ii) complex. A. Bohn, C. Chinaux-Chaix, K. Cheaib, R. Guillot, C. Herrero, K. Sénéchal-David, J.-N. Rebilly, F. Banse, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 17045-17051

Electronic and spin delocalization in a switchable trinuclear triphenylene trisemiquinone bridged Ni3 complex. Y. Wang, F. Lambert, E. Rivière, R. Guillot, C. Herrero, A. Tissot, Z. Halime, T. Mallah, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 12336-12339

Non-heme FeII diastereomeric complexes bearing a hexadentate ligand : unexpected consequences on the spin state and oxidation catalytic properties. K. Sénéchal-David, C. Buron, N. Ségaud, J.-N. Rebilly, A. Dos Santos, J. Farjon, R. Guillot, C. Herrero, T. Inceoglu, F. Banse, Chem. Eur. J., 2019, 25, 12405 – 12411

Selective Formation of an FeIVO or an FeIIIOOH Intermediate From Iron(II) and H2O2 : Controlled Heterolytic versus Homolytic Oxygen-Oxygen Bond Cleavage by the Second Coordination Sphere. K. Cheaib, M. Q. E. Mubarak, K. Sénéchal-David, C. Herrero, R. Guillot, M. Clémancey, J.-M. Latour, S. D. Visser, J.-P. Mahy, F. Banse, F. Avenier, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 854-858

EPR reversible signature of self-trapped holes in fictive temperature-treated silica glass. M. Lancry, N. Ollier, B. Babu, C. Herrero, B. Poumellec, Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 123, 113101

Electronic Structures of Mono-Oxidized Copper and Nickel Phosphasalen Complexes. C. Herrero, A. Auffrant, G. Nocton, C. Clavaguéra, M. Cordier, R. Singh Chauhan, T. Cheisson, I. Mustieles-Marín, Chemistry – A European Journal, 2017, 23 (71), 17940-17953

Imidazolidine Ring Cleavage upon Complexation with First Row Transition Metals. K. Cheaib, C. Herrero, R. Guillot, F. Banse, J.-P. Mahy, F. Avenier, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2017, 3884-3891

Reactions of persulfides with the heme cofactor of oxidized myoglobin and microperoxidase 11: reduction or coordination. E. Galardon, F. Huguet, C. Herrero, R. Ricoux, I. Artaud, D. Padovani, Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 7939-7946

αRep A3: A versatile artificial scaffold for metalloenzyme design. T. Di Meo, W. Ghattas, C. Herrero, C. Velours, P. Minard, J.-P. Mahy, R. Ricoux, A. Urvoas, Chem. Eur. J., 2017, 23, 10156-10166

Intramolecular Photogeneration of a Tyrosine Radical in a Designed Protein. A. G. Tebo, A. Quaranta, C. Herrero, V. L. Pecoraro, A. Aukauloo, ChemPhotoChem, 2017, 1, 89-92

Light-driven electron transfer in a modular assembly of a ruthenium(II) polypyridine sensitiser and a manganese(II) terpyridine unit separated by a redox active linkage. DFT analysis. A. G. Tebo, S. Das, R. Farran, C. Herrero, A. Quaranta, R. Fallahpour, S. Protti, M.-F. Charlot, A. Aukauloo, W. Leibl, Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2017, 20, 323-332

Controlled Jahn-Teller distortion in (MgCoNiCuZn)O-based high entropy oxides. D. Berardan, A.-K. Meena, S. Franger, C. Herrero, N. Dragoe, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 704, 693-700

Characterization and Subsequent Reactivity of an Fe-Peroxo Porphyrin Generated by Electrochemical Reductive Activation of O2. R. Oliveira, W. Zouari, C. Herrero, F. Banse, B. Schöllhorn, C. Fave, E. Anxolabéhère-Mallart, Inorg. Chem., 2016, 55, 12204-12210

Photoassisted Oxidation of Sulfides Catalyzed by Artificial Metalloenzymes Using Water as an Oxygen Source. C. Herrero, N. Nguyen-Thi, F. Hammerer, F. Banse, D. Gagné, N. Doucet, J.-P. Mahy, R. Ricoux, Catalysts, 2016, 6, 202

Reduction of a Tris(picolyl)amine Copper(II) Complex by an Polymeric Flavo-Reductase model in Water. K. Cheaib, Y. Roux, C. Herrero, A. Trehoux, F. Avenier, J.-P. Mahy, Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 18098-18101

Oxidation catalysis via visible-light water activation of a [Ru(bpy)3]2+ chromophore BSA-metallocorrole couple. C. Herrero, A. Quaranta, R. Ricoux, A. Trehoux, A. Mahammed, Z. Gross, F. Banse, J.-P. Mahy, Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 706-710

Synergistic "ping-pong" energy transfer for efficient light activation in a chromophore-catalyst dyad. A. Quaranta, G. Charalambidis, C. Herrero, S. Margiola, W. Leibl, A. Coutsolelos, A. Aukauloo, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 24166-24172

An Artificial Enzyme Made by Covalent Grafting of an FeII Complex into β-Lactoglobulin: Molecular Chemistry, Oxidation Catalysis, and Reaction-Intermediate Monitoring in a Protein. C. Buron, K. Sénéchal-David, R. Ricoux, J.-P. Le Caër, V. Guérineau, P. Méjanelle, R. Guillot, C. Herrero, J.-P. Mahy, F. Banse, Chem. Eur. J., 2015, 21, 12188-12193

Successive light-induced two electron transfers in a Ru-Fe supramolecular assembly: from Ru-Fe(ii)-OH2 to Ru-Fe(iv)-oxo. C. Herrero, A. Quaranta, M. Sircoglou, K. Senechal-David, A. Baron, I. M. Marin, C. Buron, J.-P. Baltaze, W. Leibl, A. Aukauloo, F. Banse, Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 2323-2327

Carbon dioxide reduction via light activation of a ruthenium-Ni(cyclam) complex. C. Herrero, A. Quaranta, S. El Ghachtouli, B. Vauzeilles, W. Leibl, A. Aukauloo, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16, 12067-12072

Ruthenium-based molecular compounds for oxygen evolution in acidic media. N. Mbemba, C. Herrero, A. Ranjbari, A. Aukauloo, S.-A. Grigoriev, P. Millet, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38, 8590-8596

Identification of the Different Mechanisms of Activation of a [RuII(tpy)(bpy)(OH2)]2+ Catalyst by Modified Ruthenium Sensitizers in Supramolecular Complexes. C. Herrero, A. Quaranta, R.-A. Fallahpour, W. Leibl, A. Aukauloo, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117, 9605-9612

Light-induced tryptophan radical generation in a click modular assembly of a sensitiser-tryptophan residue. S. Sheth, A. Baron, C. Herrero, B. Vauzeilles, A. Aukauloo, W. Leibl, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2013, 12, 1074-1078

Click Chemistry as a Convenient Tool for the Incorporation of a Ruthenium Chromophore and a Nickel–Salen Monomer into a Visible-Light-Active Assembly. C. Herrero, L. Batchelor, A. Baron, S. El Ghachtouli, S. Sheth, R. Guillot, B. Vauzeilles, M. Sircoglou, T. Mallah, W. Leibl, A. Aukauloo, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 2013, 494-499

Photoassisted Generation of a Dinuclear Iron(III) Peroxo Species and Oxygen-Atom Transfer. F. Avenier, C. Herrero, W. Leibl, A. Desbois, R. Guillot, J.-P. Mahy, A. Aukauloo, Angew. Chem. Intern. Ed., 2013, 52, 3634-3637